2C2G <a href="https://playminecraftearth.com/wynncraft-epic-pve-adventures-await/">Minecraft Server</a>

Table of Contents

About the Server

2C2G is a small 2B2T Clone Minecraft server that runs on 2 Cores and 2GB of RAM. It is a full anarchy server where players can do whatever they want, with the only rule being not to ask for Mod/OP or risk getting banned. The server is online 24/7 and encourages players to invite their friends to join.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s concept of running on 2 cores and 2GB of RAM is creative and unique. The anarchy gameplay allows for endless possibilities and creativity in how players interact with each other.

Challenge: 3.5

The lack of rules and the allowance of hacking adds an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. Players must navigate the anarchy environment and strategize to survive and thrive.

Community: 4.0

The server’s community is diverse and active, with players from all over the world coming together to play. The Discord server adds an extra layer of community engagement and communication.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, 2C2G offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience for players looking for a challenge and creative freedom. The active community and 24/7 uptime make it a server worth checking out.


Is hacking allowed on the server?

Yes, hacking is allowed on the server as it is an anarchy server where players can do as they please.

What is the server’s uptime?

The server is online 24/7 for as long as the owner can keep it running.

Can I invite my friends to join the server?

Yes, players are encouraged to invite their friends to join the server and experience the anarchy gameplay together.

Final Thoughts

2C2G is a unique Minecraft server that offers a creative and challenging experience for players. With its active community and 24/7 uptime, it is a server worth exploring for those looking for something different in the Minecraft world.