AitoFactions Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: AitoFactions

Description: AitoFactions offers a unique and authentic 1.8.8 factions experience, blending the best of old-school nostalgia with modern elements. Our goal is to transport players back to the classic factions era while providing new and exciting features that enhance gameplay. Our server boasts a variety of custom plugins, carefully curated to elevate the experience and immerse players in a world of adventure and strategy.

Features: Factions, MCMMO, Raiding

Server IP:

Server Discord: Click to join

Current Players: 0/750

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – AitoFactions offers a unique blend of old-school nostalgia with modern elements, creating a fresh and exciting gameplay experience.

Challenge: 4.0/5.0 – The server provides a challenging environment for both seasoned veterans and newcomers, offering a balance of adventure and strategy.

Community: 4.5/5.0 – The server has a welcoming and active community, making it easy for players to connect and engage with one another.

Overall Experience: 4.5/5.0 – AitoFactions provides a well-rounded and enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels, combining nostalgia with new features.


Q: How do I join the server?

A: You can join the server by entering the IP in your Minecraft client.

Q: Are there any rules on the server?

A: Yes, the server has rules in place to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules before playing.

Final Thoughts

Overall, AitoFactions offers a fantastic blend of old-school factions gameplay with modern features, creating a unique and engaging experience for players. With a welcoming community and challenging gameplay, the server is sure to provide hours of entertainment for Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us on our journey to relive the glory days of factions and discover new horizons!