Freebuilders <a href="">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Freebuilders

Server Type: PvE Survival Vanilla




Freebuilders is a gaming community for mature players who enjoy pure vanilla Minecraft. The server offers a survival multiplayer experience with minimal tweaks to enhance gameplay. With a focus on community and a whitelist to screen players, Freebuilders aims to provide a clean and engaging server environment. Weekly challenges and a monthly podcast keep players engaged, while constant improvements ensure a top-notch experience for all.

Unique Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

Challenge: 4.0/5.0

Community: 4.5/5.0

Overall Experience: 4.3/5.0

Review: Freebuilders offers a creative and challenging environment for players, with a strong sense of community that enhances the overall experience. The server’s focus on constant improvement and engaging events sets it apart from others in the Minecraft community.


What is the minimum age requirement to join Freebuilders?

Freebuilders is a 16+ server, but younger players can join if they can demonstrate maturity.

Are there any special commands available on the server?

Yes, there are a few smart commands like /lottery available to enhance gameplay.

How does Freebuilders handle issues like griefing?

The server uses a plugin called Prism to roll back any damage caused by griefing.

Final Thoughts

Freebuilders offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience for mature players. With a focus on community, creativity, and constant improvement, the server stands out in the crowded Minecraft server landscape. Join Freebuilders today and become part of a vibrant gaming community!