YNCraft <a href="https://minecraft-servers-listing.com/zylion/">Server</a> Details

YNCraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server name: YNCraft

Server type: Survival Vanilla

Server IP: yncraft-vanilla.omgcraft.fr:13032

Server website: yncraft-ynteam.jimdo.com

Current players: 0/0

Server Review


Creativity: 4.5

Challenge: 3.5

Community: 4.0

Overall Experience: 4.0


YNCraft offers a unique and creative survival experience with a strong community presence. The challenges presented are engaging, and the overall experience is highly enjoyable. The server’s focus on player freedom and building within a specific style adds an extra layer of creativity to the gameplay. The community is welcoming and active, making it easy to connect with other players and collaborate on projects. Overall, YNCraft provides a well-rounded and satisfying Minecraft experience.


Q: Can I join the server with mods?

A: YNCraft is a vanilla server, so mods are not allowed. However, you can use resource packs to enhance your gameplay.

Q: Is griefing allowed on the server?

A: Griefing is not allowed on YNCraft. Respect for other players’ builds and the server rules is important.

Q: How can I join the community events on the server?

A: Keep an eye on the server’s website and Discord for announcements about upcoming events. Participation is encouraged and can be a great way to connect with other players.

Final Thoughts

YNCraft offers a fantastic survival vanilla experience with a strong emphasis on creativity and community. The server provides a challenging yet rewarding gameplay environment that is sure to keep players engaged. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, YNCraft has something to offer for everyone. Join the server today and start your adventure!