NPC-MC Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: NPC-MC

Description: Welcome to NPC-MC, the ultimate SMP experience! NPC-MC boasts a fantastic community, unique custom plugins, an engaging economy system, and active development to keep things fresh. Both Java and Bedrock players are welcome.

Version: 1.20+

Support the server by voting to earn great rewards such as custom tags, crate keys, commands, and much more!

Java IP:

Bedrock IP:


Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – The server’s custom plugins and engaging economy system showcase a high level of creativity.

Challenge: 3.5 – The server offers a good balance of challenge for players of all skill levels.

Community: 5.0 – The fantastic community on NPC-MC makes the server a welcoming and enjoyable place to play.

Overall Experience: 4.8 – NPC-MC provides a top-notch SMP experience with a great community and unique features.


Q: How can I support the server?

A: You can support the server by voting and earning rewards such as custom tags, crate keys, and commands.

Q: Are both Java and Bedrock players welcome?

A: Yes, both Java and Bedrock players are welcome on NPC-MC.

Q: What version does the server run on?

A: The server runs on version 1.20+.

Final Thoughts

Overall, NPC-MC is a fantastic server that offers a unique SMP experience with a great community and engaging features. Whether you’re a Java or Bedrock player, you’ll find something to enjoy on NPC-MC. Don’t hesitate to join and become a part of this amazing community!