50×50 Factions <a href="https://playminecraftearth.com/vanilla-fun-deathrownetworks-smp-review/">Server</a>

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: 50×50 Factions

Server Description: Have you ever wanted to play a factions server that isn’t 30000000 blocks wide? Join the server, 5050 factions, where instead of being trapped in an almost infinite world, it’s only 50×50 chunks! You can have PvP encounters, wars, and raids all the time! 5050 factions sets itself apart from other servers by having or removing some features:

  • /home and /sethome are removed to create more PvP/raid encounters (/faction home is still allowed).
  • Safe zone spawns where you can trade and talk with other players. You can also buy crops, ores, and other necessities from the admin shops.
  • Easy to learn, hard to conquer server with the plugin Medieval Factions.
  • Even the Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks!
  • Handmade spawn builds built by the owner.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – The concept of a 50×50 factions server is unique and offers a different gameplay experience.

Challenge: 4.0 – Removing /home and /sethome adds a level of challenge to the server, making PvP encounters more intense.

Community: 4.0 – The server fosters a strong community with safe zone spawns for players to interact and trade.

Overall Experience: 4.3 – 50×50 Factions provides a refreshing take on faction servers with its limited world size and unique features.


Q: Can I use /home and /sethome commands on the server?

A: No, /home and /sethome commands are removed to create more PvP/raid encounters. However, /faction home is still allowed.

Q: Are there safe zones on the server?

A: Yes, there are safe zone spawns where players can trade and interact with each other.

Q: What dimensions are 50×50 chunks on the server?

A: The Nether and End dimensions are also 50×50 chunks on the server.

Final Thoughts

Overall, 50×50 Factions offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience for players looking for something different in the world of Minecraft factions servers. With its limited world size, removed commands, and strong community, the server provides an engaging environment for PvP, wars, and raids. If you’re up for a challenge and enjoy a tight-knit community, give 50×50 Factions a try!