Inmortals <a href="">Minecraft Server</a>

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Inmortals

Server Type: Survival Towny Vanilla

Version: 1.20.4

Language: Spanish

Location: Chile

Access: No Premium

Features: Towny communities, Vanilla experience

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

This server offers a unique Towny experience with the freedom to create and manage your own city. The vanilla gameplay adds a creative challenge to building and expanding your territory.

Challenge: 4.0/5.0

The survival aspect of the server provides a good level of challenge, especially when working together with your town members to protect and grow your city.

Community: 4.5/5.0

The server has a welcoming community of players who are eager to help and collaborate. Joining a town and participating in community events adds to the overall experience.

Overall Experience: 4.3/5.0

Inmortals offers a well-rounded Minecraft experience with a focus on community building and teamwork. The vanilla gameplay and Towny features make it a server worth exploring.


Q: Can I join the server if I’m not a premium Minecraft player?

A: Yes, the server is open to non-premium players.

Q: How can I join a town on the server?

A: You can join a town by reaching out to existing town members or creating your own town with friends.

Q: Is the server active and regularly updated?

A: Yes, the server is active with a dedicated community and regular updates to ensure a smooth gameplay experience.

Final Thoughts

Inmortals Minecraft Server offers a unique Towny experience with a focus on community building and teamwork. The vanilla gameplay adds a creative challenge to the server, making it a great choice for players looking for a new adventure in the world of Minecraft.