GunColony Server Details

GunColony Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

GunColony is a Minecraft server that offers a unique mini-game experience called Mob-Arena. In this mini-game, players can fight waves of mobs using a variety of guns such as AK-47, FAMAS, and more. The server also allows players to tame pets to help them in battle. With natural regeneration and mob-to-mob damage enabled, players can strategize and use different tactics to defeat their enemies.

Server Review

As a young Minecrafter, I found GunColony to be a refreshing and exciting server to play on. Here are my ratings and commentary:

Creativity: 4.5

The concept of using guns in a mini-game setting is highly creative and adds a new level of excitement to the gameplay. The variety of guns available and the ability to tame pets showcase the server’s creativity.

Challenge: 4.0

The waves of mobs in the Mob-Arena mini-game provide a good level of challenge for players. The different types of mobs and the need to strategize and use different weapons add to the overall challenge of the server.

Community: 4.0

The community on GunColony is welcoming and friendly. Players can easily team up with others to take on the mobs together, creating a sense of camaraderie among players.

Overall Experience: 4.3

Overall, my experience on GunColony was highly enjoyable. The unique gameplay, challenging mobs, and friendly community made for a memorable gaming experience.


Q: Do I need any mods to play on GunColony?

A: No, the server does not require any mods. You can join using vanilla Minecraft 1.8 or higher.

Q: How many players can the server accommodate?

A: The server has a capacity of 70 players.

Final Thoughts

GunColony is a unique and exciting Minecraft server that offers a fresh take on the traditional mini-game experience. With its creative gameplay, challenging mobs, and friendly community, GunColony provides an enjoyable gaming experience for players of all ages.