Anarchy Forever Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to Anarchy Forever, a full ANARCHY Minecraft server where griefing and cheating are not only allowed but encouraged! Founded on 16th March 2023, this server has no rules other than not crashing it. Join our community on Discord @ and make your mark on a server that will be online for many years to come. The server runs on versions 1.18.x through to 1.20.x and only has hack prevention for Fly & Speed to prevent extremely fast travel.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – Anarchy Forever allows players to unleash their creativity without any restrictions, leading to unique and unexpected outcomes.

Challenge: 3.0 – The lack of rules and staff intervention may make the server challenging for some players, but it also adds to the excitement and unpredictability.

Community: 4.0 – The server’s Discord community is active and engaging, providing a platform for players to connect and collaborate.

Overall Experience: 4.0 – Anarchy Forever offers a one-of-a-kind experience for players looking for a truly anarchic Minecraft server.


Q: Is griefing allowed on the server? A: Yes, griefing is allowed on Anarchy Forever.

Q: Are there any rules on the server? A: The only rule is not to crash the server.

Q: What versions does the server run on? A: The server runs on versions 1.18.x through to 1.20.x.

Final Thoughts

Anarchy Forever is a unique Minecraft server that offers players the freedom to play without any restrictions. If you’re looking for a server where you can truly make your mark and experience the chaos of anarchy, then Anarchy Forever is the place to be. Join us today and start your anarchic adventure!