PvP-Survival Server

Table of Contents

About the Server PvP-Survival is a multi-style Minecraft server based in Poland. It offers various gameplay modes including Survival, Kit-PvP, Hunger Games, SkyBlock, TF2-Paintball, and Hardcore. The server has been active for a year and has a record of 862 players online at once. With a vibrant community and a range of activities, players are sure to find something they enjoy on this server.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – The server offers a wide range of gameplay modes and activities, showcasing creativity in design and implementation.

Challenge: 4.0/5.0 – Players can expect a good level of challenge in PvP and Survival modes, keeping gameplay engaging.

Community: 5.0/5.0 – The server boasts a strong and active community, making it easy for players to connect and form friendships.

Overall Experience: 4.5/5.0 – PvP-Survival offers a diverse and exciting Minecraft experience for players of all skill levels.


Q: Is the server only in Polish?

A: While the server is primarily in Polish, players often communicate in English as well.

Q: Are there any age restrictions on the server?

A: The server is open to players of all ages, but it is recommended for younger Minecrafters.

Final Thoughts

Overall, PvP-Survival is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a wide range of gameplay options and a welcoming community. Whether you’re looking for intense PvP battles or peaceful Survival mode, this server has something for everyone. Join today and start your Minecraft adventure!