AmicorumCraft <a href="">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

AmicorumCraft is a family-friendly survival server that focuses on building and having fun. With strict rules against griefing, stealing, and inappropriate behavior, players can enjoy a safe and welcoming environment to unleash their creativity.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server encourages players to express their creativity through building without imposing strict restrictions. The variety of player ranks and point system adds an element of competition that motivates players to push their creative boundaries.

Challenge: 3.5

While the server is primarily focused on creativity and community, there are opportunities for players to challenge themselves through difficult builds and earning points in various categories. However, some players may find the lack of strict challenges limiting.

Community: 5.0

The server prides itself on its friendly and supportive community. With active moderators and helpful players, new members are quickly welcomed and integrated into the server. The sense of camaraderie adds to the overall experience of playing on AmicorumCraft.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, AmicorumCraft offers a well-rounded experience for players looking for a creative and community-driven Minecraft server. While there may be room for improvement in terms of challenges, the welcoming atmosphere and focus on building make it a standout choice for players of all ages.


Q: Can I grief or steal on the server?

A: No, griefing and stealing are strictly prohibited on AmicorumCraft.

Q: How do I earn points and rank up on the server?

A: Points can be earned through materials used, complexity, decor, landscaping, difficulty, and size of builds. Ranks are based on the point system.

Q: Is there a limit to the size or type of builds I can create?

A: There are no restrictions on the size or type of builds, as long as they are not obscene.

Final Thoughts

AmicorumCraft is a fantastic Minecraft server for players looking for a creative and welcoming community. With a focus on building and fun, players of all ages can enjoy a safe and enjoyable gaming experience. Join us today and unleash your creativity!