HolloWand Minecraft Server

HolloWand Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: HolloWand

Server Type: Anarchy, MCMMO, PvE, Roleplay, Survival Games, Vanilla

Server IP: hollowand.mc-world.net:25592

Server Discord: Join Here

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server offers a variety of unique game modes and custom features that keep players engaged and entertained.
Challenge 3.5 Some game modes provide a good level of challenge, while others may be more relaxed and casual.
Community 4.0 The server has a friendly and active community, with opportunities for players to interact and collaborate.
Overall Experience 4.0 HolloWand offers a well-rounded gaming experience with something for everyone, making it a great choice for Minecraft players of all types.


Q: What Minecraft version does the server run on?

A: The server runs on Minecraft version 1.20.1.

Q: Are there any special requirements to play on the server?

A: Yes, the server requires Optifine to be installed.

Q: What are some of the unique game modes available on the server?

A: Some of the unique game modes include Kanojo Shooter, Hollo Wand RPG, Farcry, Backrooms, and Slav Vanilla.

Final Thoughts

Overall, HolloWand Minecraft Server offers a diverse and engaging gaming experience for players of all skill levels. With a range of unique game modes, a friendly community, and custom features, it’s a server worth checking out for any Minecraft enthusiast.