VeePlus Minecraft Server

VeePlus Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: VeePlus

Server Type: Semi-vanilla anarchy-lite

Description: VeePlus offers a lightly-modded survival Minecraft experience in a minimally-moderated environment. Features include quality of life enhancements and discord-aided proximity chat. Griefing and PVP are allowed, with only the spawn area being completely safe. The server prohibits cheating, x-ray, building lag machines, and posting links/illegal content in chat.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – The server offers a unique blend of semi-vanilla gameplay with anarchy-lite elements, providing players with a creative and challenging experience.

Challenge: 4.0 – The server’s lightly-modded survival environment adds an extra layer of challenge for players, making gameplay more engaging and rewarding.

Community: 4.0 – While the community is small, it is growing steadily and offers a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for players to enjoy.

Overall Experience: 4.3 – VeePlus provides a refreshing take on the traditional Minecraft server experience, combining elements of anarchy and survival to create a fun and dynamic gameplay environment.


Q: Can I grief other players’ builds?

A: Yes, griefing is allowed on the server, but only the spawn area is completely safe.

Q: Are there any rules against cheating?

A: Yes, cheating, x-ray, building lag machines, and posting links/illegal content in chat are prohibited on the server.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a unique and challenging Minecraft server experience, VeePlus is definitely worth checking out. With its blend of semi-vanilla gameplay and anarchy-lite elements, the server offers a fresh take on traditional survival servers. Join the growing community and see what adventures await you in the world of VeePlus!