AnarchyBlock Server Details

AnarchyBlock Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: AnarchyBlock

Server Type: AnarchyPvPSurvival


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Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

Challenge: 4.0/5.0

Community: 4.5/5.0

Overall Experience: 4.3/5.0

Review: AnarchyBlock offers a truly anarchic experience where players are left to their own devices. The creativity and freedom to explore and build are top-notch. The challenge comes from surviving in this lawless world, and the community adds to the excitement with its dynamic interactions. Overall, AnarchyBlock provides a thrilling and unique Minecraft experience.


Q: What version of Minecraft does the server support?

A: The server accepts clients from version 1.7 to 1.21.

Q: How many slots does the server have?

A: The server has 100 slots available.

Q: Is griefing allowed on the server?

A: Yes, as it is an anarchy server, players are free to engage in any gameplay style they choose.

Final Thoughts

Join AnarchyBlock for a wild and unpredictable Minecraft experience where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. The community adds a vibrant and dynamic element to the server, making it a must-visit for any Minecraft enthusiast looking for something different.