ApeironMC Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

ApeironMC is a Settlements themed Minecraft server with custom plugins that offer a unique gameplay experience. From custom skills to a player-driven economy, there’s something for every player to enjoy. Visit the official website to learn more!

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The custom plugins and unique gameplay features showcase the creativity of the server’s developers.
Challenge 3.5 The server offers a moderate level of challenge, with opportunities for both casual and hardcore players.
Community 4.0 The active player community and customizable chat channels create a welcoming and engaging environment.
Overall Experience 4.0 ApeironMC provides a well-rounded Minecraft experience with a good balance of creativity, challenge, and community interaction.


What are the custom plugins on ApeironMC?

ApeironMC features a custom skills plugin, a Towny-like plugin called Settlements, and a player-driven economy with an Auction House and Chest Shops.

How can I join the server?

You can join the server by entering the IP address play.apeironmc.com in your Minecraft client.

Is there a Discord server for ApeironMC?

Yes, you can join the ApeironMC Discord server by clicking here.

Final Thoughts

ApeironMC offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience with custom plugins, a player-driven economy, and a welcoming community. Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore gamer, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on this server. Join today and start your adventure in the world of ApeironMC!