Ashfall Networks Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Ashfall Networks

Server Type: Survival

Server IP:

Server Website:

Current Players: 0/0

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

The server offers unique systems like leveling, auction house, and area claims, adding a creative twist to the traditional survival gameplay.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0

The server provides a moderate level of challenge with its gameplay mechanics, suitable for both new and experienced players.

Community: 5.0/5.0

The server boasts a welcoming and helpful community, making it a great place for players to interact and collaborate.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0

With a strong community, creative gameplay features, and moderate challenge level, Ashfall Networks offers an enjoyable overall experience for Minecraft players.


Q: Is the server currently looking for staff?

A: Yes, the server is currently looking for server staff and other assisting roles. You can join the Discord linked below for more information.

Q: What features does the server offer?

A: The server offers systems for leveling, auction house, shop, area claims for housing, and more to come. The server shop is currently being worked on and will be updated with information soon.

Final Thoughts

Ashfall Networks is a new and exciting Minecraft server that offers a unique and creative gameplay experience. With a welcoming community and various gameplay features, it provides an enjoyable environment for players of all levels. Join now and embark on your survival adventure!