Mcbaltics Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server name: Mcbaltics

Server type: MCMMO PvP Survival

Server website:

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Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 This server offers a wide range of custom features like dungeons, casino, and custom cosmetics items, making gameplay exciting and unique.
Challenge 3.5 The server provides regular events and challenges, but some players may find the difficulty level lacking in certain areas.
Community 5.0 The community on Mcbaltics is friendly, active, and diverse, with support for multiple languages creating a welcoming environment for all players.
Overall Experience 4.0 With a variety of features, a strong community, and regular events, Mcbaltics offers an enjoyable Minecraft experience for players of all levels.


Q: What languages are supported on the server?

A: The server supports English, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian.

Q: Are there voice chat channels available for communication?

A: Yes, the server offers voice chat channels for real-time communication.

Q: What custom features does the server offer?

A: The server offers custom Hat, dungeons, casino, Battlepass, Rift, Rewards, Jobs, Custom cosmetics items, Skills, Backpacks, and more.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a Minecraft server with a vibrant community, exciting custom features, and regular events, Mcbaltics is the place to be. With support for multiple languages and a welcoming atmosphere, players of all backgrounds can enjoy their time on this server. Join today and experience the fun for yourself!