Dog Network Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Dog Network

Server Type: Economy, MCMMO, Survival

Server IP:


Discord: Click to join

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

This server offers a variety of plugins that enhance gameplay and provide a unique experience for players.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0

The server provides a good balance of difficulty, with plugins like mcMMO adding new skills to master.

Community: 4.0/5.0

The server is welcoming to all players and fosters a friendly and inclusive community.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0

With a mix of creativity, challenge, and a great community, Dog Network offers an enjoyable Minecraft experience.


Q: How do I join the server?

A: You can join the server by entering the IP in your Minecraft client.

Q: Are there any rules on the server?

A: Yes, the server has rules in place to ensure a positive gaming experience for all players. Be sure to read them before joining.

Q: Can I create my own land on the server?

A: Yes, you can use the Lands plugin to create and manage your own lands on the server.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a fun and engaging Minecraft server with a friendly community and unique gameplay features, Dog Network is the place to be. Join us today and start your adventure!