Dunmoore SMP Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Dunmoore SMP

Server Type: Vanilla+

Established: April 23rd, 2021

Description: Dunmoore SMP is an exclusive Vanilla+ Minecraft server with a strong, friendly community. We host regular server events and just have fun playing Minecraft. Join our Discord server to be whitelisted and become a part of a growing server with an active playerbase and friendly, interactive staff!

Server Features: Factions, PvE, PvP, Survival, Vanilla, Whitelist

Server Website: play.dunmoore.net

Wiki: wiki.dunmoore.net

Discord: Click to join

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server offers a variety of creative events and challenges that keep players engaged and excited.

Challenge: 3.5

The server provides a good balance of difficulty, making gameplay challenging but not overly frustrating.

Community: 5.0

The server has a strong, friendly community that is welcoming to new players and fosters a sense of belonging.

Overall Experience: 4.8

Overall, Dunmoore SMP offers a fantastic Minecraft experience with a great community and engaging gameplay.


Q: How do I join the server?

A: Join our Discord server and follow the instructions to be whitelisted.

Q: Are there any server rules I need to follow?

A: Yes, please read the server rules on our Discord server before joining.

Q: Can I invite my friends to play on the server?

A: Yes, you can invite your friends, but they will also need to be whitelisted through Discord.

Final Thoughts

Dunmoore SMP is a top-notch Minecraft server that offers a great balance of creativity, challenge, and community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, you’ll find a welcoming and engaging environment to enjoy Minecraft to the fullest.