DvZ Server – The LihP Network

Table of Contents

About the Server

The DvZ Server on The LihP Network offers a unique Minecraft experience where players can take on the roles of dwarves and zombies in a PvP game mode. With custom games and features, players can enjoy a variety of gameplay options and challenges.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s unique game mode and custom games showcase a high level of creativity that keeps players engaged and entertained.

Challenge: 4.0

The gameplay offers a good balance of challenge, especially for players looking for a competitive experience.

Community: 4.5

The server’s community is active and welcoming, with opportunities to join factions, team up with other players, and engage in friendly competition.

Overall Experience: 4.3

Overall, the DvZ Server on The LihP Network provides a fun and engaging Minecraft experience that is sure to keep players coming back for more.


Q: How do I join the server?

A: You can join the server by entering the IP address pvp.lihp.us in your Minecraft client.

Q: Are there any rules on the server?

A: Yes, the server has rules in place to ensure fair gameplay and a positive community environment. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules before playing.

Q: Can I create my own faction on the server?

A: Yes, players have the option to create factions, claim land, and engage in faction-based gameplay on the server.

Final Thoughts

The DvZ Server on The LihP Network offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience for players looking for a mix of creativity, challenge, and community interaction. With custom games and features, there is always something new to explore and enjoy on this server.