Table of Contents

About the Server

Server description: MC: Blood And Steel is a server based on a 1:1000 Scale earth map, where players can build towns and nations, go to war, and rewrite history. Players can choose to be peaceful traders or conquerors.

Server features: Cross-Play, Earth Map, Economy, MCMMO, Roleplay, Survival, Towny

Server website:

Discord: Click to join

Current players: 0/0

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – The server’s use of a 1:1000 Scale earth map and the ability for players to rewrite history adds a unique creative element.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – The server offers challenges through wars and nation-building, but may not be as challenging for experienced players.

Community: 4.0/5.0 – The server has a strong community of players who engage in both peaceful and competitive gameplay.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – MC Blood & Steel offers a diverse and engaging experience for players looking for both creativity and competition.


Q: Can I join the server from any device?

A: Yes, the server supports cross-play, allowing players to join from different devices.

Q: Is there a specific goal in the game?

A: The goal is to build towns and nations, engage in wars, and become the greatest nation in history.

Final Thoughts

MC Blood & Steel offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience for Minecraft players. With its creative use of a 1:1000 Scale earth map and diverse gameplay options, players can choose their own destiny and shape the course of history. Whether you’re a peaceful trader or a conqueror, there’s something for everyone on this server.