EnderLands Minecraft Server

EnderLands Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

EnderLands is a Minecraft server where players can embark on exciting adventures, discover unique enchantments, wield powerful weapons, and face terrifying bosses in dungeons. Players can defend SkyTale against the EnderKeepers or train to become the best trainers from WindTale through tournaments, gym leaders, raid bosses, and more.

Server Review

For young Minecrafters looking for a server with a mix of creativity, challenge, and a vibrant community, EnderLands is the place to be. Here’s a breakdown of the server’s ratings:

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 EnderLands offers a wide range of unique features and content that keep players engaged and excited.
Challenge 4.0 The server provides challenging gameplay experiences that push players to improve their skills and strategies.
Community 4.5 The server has a friendly and active community that fosters collaboration and camaraderie among players.
Overall Experience 4.3 EnderLands offers a well-rounded gaming experience that caters to a variety of player preferences.


How do I join the EnderLands server?

To join the EnderLands server, simply visit mc.enderlands.es and click on the “Click to join” button.

Is there a Discord server for EnderLands?

Yes, you can join the EnderLands Discord server here.

What is the player capacity of the server?

The server has a capacity of 0/0 players.

Final Thoughts

EnderLands is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a mix of creativity, challenge, and community engagement. Whether you’re looking to embark on epic adventures or test your skills against tough opponents, EnderLands has something for everyone. Join the server today and start your journey in the EnderLands!