GeneralMC Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

GeneralMC is a Minecraft server that focuses on equality, fun, and a fair gaming experience for all players. With a variety of mini-games, PvP arenas, and a no griefing policy, GeneralMC aims to create a welcoming community for players of all ages.

Server Features:

  • Economy
  • Mini Games
  • Survival
  • Survival Games
  • Vanilla

Server IP:

Current Players: 0/10

Server Version: 1.12.2

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – GeneralMC offers a wide range of mini-games and unique features that keep players engaged and entertained.

Challenge: 3.5 – While the server provides a fun and welcoming environment, some players may find the lack of PvP challenging.

Community: 5.0 – The GeneralMC community is friendly, active, and always willing to help new players feel welcome.

Overall Experience: 4.0 – GeneralMC is a great server for players looking for a fun and fair gaming experience with a strong sense of community.


Q: Is PvP enabled on GeneralMC?

A: No, PvP is disabled on GeneralMC to create a more peaceful gaming environment.

Q: Are there pay-to-win perks on GeneralMC?

A: No, GeneralMC does not offer pay-to-win perks to ensure a fair gaming experience for all players.

Final Thoughts

GeneralMC is a fantastic Minecraft server that prioritizes equality, fun, and community. With a variety of mini-games and a welcoming atmosphere, GeneralMC is a great choice for players of all ages. Join today and become a part of this amazing community!