World-Civ <a href="">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

World-Civ is a Contemporary Fantasy server based in the real world of the 1400s. Players can start off in a real nation from the era but then role play out their character’s life as they choose. Once you have decided to become a citizen on World-Civ, you get to create the character that you’ll role play as, their personality, interests and a brief history of their life. We have a custom map of the Earth, where you can explore vast lands. You’ll have the opportunity to create nations from the 1400s or join an existing one.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – The concept of roleplaying in a historical setting is very creative and engaging.

Challenge: 3.5 – The server offers a good balance of challenge and exploration.

Community: 4.0 – The community is welcoming and active, making the roleplaying experience even more enjoyable.

Overall Experience: 4.0 – World-Civ offers a unique and immersive experience for players looking for something different in Minecraft.


Q: How do I join World-Civ?

A: You can join by connecting to in Minecraft.

Q: Can I create my own nation on the server?

A: Yes, players have the opportunity to create their own nations or join existing ones.

Q: Is there a Discord server for World-Civ?

A: Yes, you can join the Discord server by visiting

Final Thoughts

World-Civ offers a unique and immersive roleplaying experience set in the 1400s. With a creative concept, a welcoming community, and the opportunity to create your own nation, this server is perfect for players looking for something different in Minecraft. Join World-Civ today and embark on a journey through history like never before!