GamesOnFire Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

GamesOnFire is a Minecraft server that showcases the best work by its team members. With gamemodes like SkyMines, Lifesteal, Duels, and BedWars, players can enjoy a variety of experiences. The server is constantly being updated to provide a better gaming experience for its players.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s unique gamemodes and constant updates showcase a high level of creativity.

Challenge: 3.5

The challenges presented in the different gamemodes provide a good level of difficulty for players.

Community: 4.0

The server has a strong and active community, making it a fun and engaging place to play.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, GamesOnFire offers a great gaming experience with its creative gamemodes, challenging gameplay, and active community.


What gamemodes are available on GamesOnFire?

GamesOnFire offers gamemodes like Bedwars, Lifesteal, Mini Games, Skyblock, Skywars, and Survival.

What is the server IP?

The server IP is

What Minecraft version does the server support?

The server supports Minecraft version 1.20.

Final Thoughts

GamesOnFire is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a variety of unique gamemodes, a strong community, and a constantly evolving gaming experience. Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore gamer, there’s something for everyone on GamesOnFire. Join the server today and be a part of this mesmerizing journey!