MCFriends <a href="">Minecraft Server</a>

MCFriends Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

MCFriends is an amazing and fun Minecraft server where players can enjoy Java gameplay. The server boasts a great community that supports each other and plays on version 1.16.5 for the best experience. With Skyblock and Anarchy modes available, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hacking is only allowed on the Anarchy server, so players looking for a challenge can test their skills there. The server owner, Tøxīc, is active almost every day at 4:00 PM Sydney time and may even reward players with a special rank if they’re spotted on the server.

Server Review

Here’s a unique and humorous review of MCFriends Minecraft Server:


  • Creativity: 4.5
  • Challenge: 3.5
  • Community: 5.0
  • Overall Experience: 4.0

Are you tired of boring Minecraft servers with no personality? Look no further than MCFriends! With a creativity rating of 4.5, this server will keep you entertained with its unique features and gameplay. The challenge level is just right at 3.5, providing a good balance of difficulty without being too frustrating. The community is where MCFriends truly shines, earning a perfect 5.0 rating. Join the Discord and experience the camaraderie and support of fellow players. Overall, MCFriends offers a solid 4.0 experience that will keep you coming back for more.


Q: Can I join the server without Discord?

A: While joining the Discord is recommended for the best experience, you can still play on the server without it.

Q: Is hacking allowed on all servers?

A: Hacking is only allowed on the Anarchy server. Please respect the rules on other servers.

Q: How can I earn a special rank on the server?

A: Be active on the server and you may catch the owner’s eye for a special rank reward.

Final Thoughts

Overall, MCFriends Minecraft Server offers a unique and engaging experience for players looking for a fun and supportive community. With a good balance of creativity, challenge, and community interaction, MCFriends is a server worth checking out. Join today and see what adventures await you!