MCSociety Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server name: MCSociety

Server type: Economic


  • Shops
  • PvP
  • Houses
  • Ranks
  • Currency
  • Free /FLY

Server version: 1.15.2

Description: MCSociety is a cute economic server that offers a variety of features for players to enjoy. It is a calm survival server with a friendly community.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – The server offers a unique economic system and various features that enhance gameplay.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – While the server provides some challenges, it may not be as challenging for experienced players.

Community: 5.0/5.0 – The community on MCSociety is welcoming and friendly, making it a great place to socialize.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – MCSociety is a fantastic server for players looking for a relaxed and enjoyable Minecraft experience.


Q: What is the server IP?

A: The server IP is

Q: Is the server free to play?

A: Yes, MCSociety is completely free to play.

Q: Are there any rules on the server?

A: Yes, there are rules in place to ensure a positive gaming experience for all players. Be sure to read them before joining.

Final Thoughts

Overall, MCSociety is a charming server with a friendly community and unique features. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned Minecraft veteran, you’re sure to have a great time on this server. Join MCSociety today and become a part of our Minecraft Society!