FuRiouSCraft Survival Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

FuRiouSCraft Survival is a Minecraft server that aims to provide a friendly environment for players to make friends and have fun building. The server runs Bukkit with a small selection of plugins to enhance security and ensure an enjoyable gameplay experience. Players can explore the server as a guest before applying to build in the main world.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server encourages creativity with its vanilla look and feel, while also offering plugins to enhance gameplay without taking away from the core experience.

Challenge: 3.5

The server provides a moderate level of challenge, with plugins to help players navigate common issues faced in vanilla servers.

Community: 5.0

The server fosters a strong community of players who enjoy building and meeting new people. The “grey” list allows players to explore before committing to the server.

Overall Experience: 4.0

FuRiouSCraft Survival offers a well-rounded experience for players looking for a friendly and secure Minecraft server with a strong sense of community.


Can I join the server as a guest?

Yes, you can join as a guest and explore the server before applying to build in the main world.

What plugins does the server use?

The server uses a small selection of back-end plugins to enhance security and gameplay without detracting from the vanilla experience.

How can I apply to build in the main world?

You can apply on the server’s website at furiouscraft.com.

Final Thoughts

FuRiouSCraft Survival is a welcoming and secure Minecraft server that offers a great balance of creativity, challenge, and community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this server provides a fun and enjoyable experience for all.