Furrocious <a href="https://playminecraftearth.com/tag/magnets/">Minecraft Server</a>

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Furrocious

Server Type: Economy, Survival, Vanilla

Server Website: furrocious.minecraft.best

Discord: Click to join

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

This server offers a unique and creative gameplay experience with plugins like Graves, Jobs, and Dragonslayer.

Challenge: 3.5

The server provides a moderate level of challenge, making it suitable for players of all skill levels.

Community: 5.0

The community on Furrocious is welcoming and active, creating a fun and engaging environment for players.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, Furrocious Minecraft Server offers a fantastic gaming experience with a good balance of creativity, challenge, and community engagement.


Q: How long has the server been running?

A: The server has been up and running since 2021 and will stay up indefinitely.

Q: Is the server VR compatible?

A: Yes, the server is VR (Vivecraft) compatible.

Q: What are some noteworthy plugins on the server?

A: Some noteworthy plugins include Graves, Jobs, Shops, Griefprevention, Dragonslayer, Clicksort, RandomTP, and Vivecraft.

Final Thoughts

Furrocious Minecraft Server is a must-visit for any Minecraft enthusiast looking for a fun and engaging gameplay experience. With its unique plugins, active community, and VR compatibility, this server offers something for everyone. Join today and embark on an epic Minecraft adventure!