GalaxiaMC Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

GalaxiaMC is a smaller network aiming to give players a unique gameplay experience and let everyone have fun. The server offers gamemodes like Earth and Realm (MMORPG), although they are not released yet. They are also looking for staff, with more information available on their Discord server.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server offers unique gamemodes and aims to provide players with a different experience, which shows creativity in their approach.

Challenge: 3.5

The level of challenge on the server is moderate, providing players with a decent level of difficulty without being too overwhelming.

Community: 4.0

The server has a welcoming community and actively looks for staff, showing that they value player interaction and involvement.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, GalaxiaMC offers a fun and engaging experience for players, with unique gamemodes and a friendly community.


What gamemodes does GalaxiaMC offer?

GalaxiaMC offers gamemodes like Earth and Realm (MMORPG), although they are not released yet.

Is GalaxiaMC looking for staff?

Yes, GalaxiaMC is looking for staff. More information can be found on their Discord server.

Final Thoughts

GalaxiaMC is a server that offers a unique gameplay experience with creative gamemodes and a welcoming community. Players looking for a fun and engaging Minecraft server should definitely check it out.