Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Serveur des Geeks

Server Website:

Server Description: Le Serveur des Geeks, also known as SDG, is a community server with exciting players and diverse content. Players can enjoy various worlds including semi-RP, survival, freebuild, and mini-games. Originally opened in 2013, the server closed in 2014 but is now back in action!

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

This server offers a wide range of creative activities and opportunities for players to express themselves.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0

The server provides a good balance of challenges for players, keeping them engaged without being too overwhelming.

Community: 5.0/5.0

The community on this server is welcoming, friendly, and active, making it a great place to make new friends.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0

Overall, the Serveur des Geeks offers a fantastic experience for players looking for a fun and engaging Minecraft server.


Q: How can I join the Serveur des Geeks?

A: You can join by visiting the server website at and following the instructions for connecting.

Q: Are there any rules on the server?

A: Yes, the server has rules in place to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all players. Be sure to read and follow them.

Q: Can I invite my friends to play on the server with me?

A: Absolutely! The more, the merrier. Invite your friends to join in on the fun.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the Serveur des Geeks is a vibrant and exciting Minecraft server that offers a wide range of activities and a welcoming community. Whether you’re looking for creative building opportunities, challenging gameplay, or just a fun place to hang out with friends, this server has something for everyone. Join today and start your adventure on Serveur des Geeks!