HappyDiggers TFC TerraFirmaCraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

HappyDiggers TFC TerraFirmaCraft is a regular TerraFirmaCraft server that aims to provide a close-to-vanilla TFC experience with added features for player convenience. The server offers plot protection, grief prevention, logging of activities, and active staff members to assist players. Additionally, there are mini-games available on the Lobby server for added entertainment.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s implementation of plot protection, grief prevention, and additional features showcases a high level of creativity in enhancing the TFC gameplay experience.

Challenge: 3.5

While the server aims to make life more comfortable for players, there are still challenges to be faced within the TFC world, providing a balanced gameplay experience.

Community: 4.0

The server boasts a friendly and helpful community, with active staff members and opportunities for player interaction through mini-games on the Lobby server.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, HappyDiggers TFC TerraFirmaCraft offers a well-rounded and enjoyable TFC experience with a creative approach to server management and a supportive community.


Q: What mods are required to play on the server?

A: The server only requires the TerraFirmaCraft mod to be installed on the client side.

Q: Are there any special features on the server?

A: Yes, the server offers plot protection, grief prevention, logging of activities, and mini-games on the Lobby server.

Q: How can I join the server?

A: You can connect to the server using the IP tfc.happydiggers.net:4000

Final Thoughts

HappyDiggers TFC TerraFirmaCraft is a well-managed server that provides a balanced gameplay experience with added features for player convenience. The friendly community and active staff members make it a great choice for players looking for a TFC server with a creative twist.