TerraMC Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: TerraMC

Server Type: EarthSurvivalTowny

Server Website: www.terramc.cn

Server IP: terramc.cn:23101

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The TerraMC server offers a unique and harmonious playing environment that encourages creativity among players. From building structures to exploring new gameplay mechanics, there is no shortage of creative opportunities on this server.

Challenge: 3.5

While the server focuses more on creating a harmonious environment rather than intense challenges, there are still opportunities for players to test their skills and strategize in survival situations. The balance between challenge and enjoyment is well-maintained.

Community: 5.0

The community on TerraMC is one of the server’s strongest points. Players are encouraged to work together, support each other, and ensure a positive gaming experience for everyone. The sense of camaraderie and teamwork is truly exceptional.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, TerraMC offers a refreshing and enjoyable Minecraft experience that prioritizes community and creativity. While it may not be the most challenging server out there, the strong sense of community and creative opportunities make it a standout choice for players looking for a harmonious gaming environment.


Q: How can I join the TerraMC server?

A: You can join the TerraMC server by entering the server IP terramc.cn:23101 in your Minecraft client.

Q: Is there a Discord server for TerraMC?

A: Yes, you can join the TerraMC Discord server by visiting their website www.terramc.cn for more information.

Q: Are there any specific rules I need to follow on TerraMC?

A: Yes, players are expected to create a harmonious playing environment and respect the gameplay experience of others. Any disruptive behavior may result in penalties from both players and server management.

Final Thoughts

Overall, TerraMC is a server that stands out for its emphasis on community, creativity, and a harmonious gaming environment. Whether you’re looking to collaborate with others, unleash your creativity, or simply enjoy a positive gaming experience, TerraMC has something to offer for every Minecraft player.