Illager Net <a href="">Minecraft Server</a>

Illager Net Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Illager Net is a semi-anarchy vanilla hardcore Minecraft server with a 72-hour ban on death. The server features randomized spawn points and Discord chat integration. Minimal moderation is in place, relying on anti x-ray, anticheat, and plugin design to promote fairness and civility. While there are no hard set rules, disruptive players may face consequences. Raiding, griefing, and PvP are fully permitted, but players are encouraged to use common sense and be respectful in chat.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – The server’s use of randomized spawn points and minimal moderation promotes a unique and creative gameplay experience.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – The 72-hour ban on death adds an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay, but some players may find it too punishing.

Community: 4.0/5.0 – The server’s Discord integration helps foster a sense of community among players, but the lack of strict rules may lead to some toxicity.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – Illager Net offers a refreshing take on hardcore Minecraft gameplay, with a good balance of challenge and creativity.


Q: Can I use client hacks on the server? A: No, abusing client hacks is not allowed.

Q: Are griefing and raiding allowed? A: Yes, raiding, griefing, and PvP are fully permitted on the server.

Q: How can I join the server? A: You can join the server by using the IP address or by visiting the website

Final Thoughts

Illager Net is a unique and challenging Minecraft server that offers a refreshing gameplay experience for hardcore players. With its minimal moderation and emphasis on creativity, the server provides a platform for players to test their skills and enjoy a sense of community. While the 72-hour ban on death may be intimidating for some, it adds an exciting element to the gameplay. Overall, Illager Net is a server worth checking out for players looking for a different kind of Minecraft experience.