Life Steal SMP Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Life Steal SMP is a Minecraft server that offers a unique adventure for both Java and Bedrock players. With weekly tournaments, custom duels, and anti pay-to-win features, players can enjoy a balanced and exciting gameplay experience. Join now at

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s custom duels and balanced in-game shop showcase a high level of creativity, providing players with unique gameplay experiences.

Challenge: 4.0

With weekly tournaments and a 20 Heart Maximum, players are constantly challenged to improve their skills and compete against others.

Community: 4.8

The server’s active community and Discord server create a welcoming and engaging environment for players to connect and collaborate.

Overall Experience: 4.6

Life Steal SMP offers a thrilling and unforgettable Minecraft journey with its exciting features and lag-free gameplay.


Q: Can I play on both Java and Bedrock versions?

A: Yes, the server supports both Java and Bedrock players.

Q: Are there cash prizes for tournaments?

A: Yes, weekly tournaments offer cash prizes for winners.

Q: How long are death bans?

A: Death bans last for 7 days.

Final Thoughts

Life Steal SMP is a top-notch Minecraft server that offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for players of all levels. With its creative features, challenging gameplay, and vibrant community, it’s definitely worth checking out. Join now and embark on an unforgettable adventure!