<a href="https://playminecraftearth.com/tag/refreshed/">Server</a> Details

Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: norule1c1s

Server Description: Do whatever you want just don’t crash me. Because that makes things harder for everyone Dupe Cast. i don’t care just have fun the the madness and have the best time you can. A discord server will be coming but is just me running this as of now so thing will take time and Im paying for the server by myself so it may get a little slow at time but i’ll try my best to keep it up. If you have any questions please add me on Discord at Blitzcore#0001 about anything about the server if its down or anything like that and i’ll get to it when i can.

Server Features: Anarchy, PvP, PvE, Survival, Vanilla

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – The server allows players to be creative and do whatever they want, leading to unique and unexpected outcomes.

Challenge: 3.0 – While there are no strict rules, the lack of structure can make it challenging to navigate and survive in the server.

Community: 4.0 – The server encourages players to interact and have fun together, creating a strong sense of community.

Overall Experience: 4.0 – Despite some potential issues with server speed, the overall experience is enjoyable and chaotic in the best way possible.


Q: Is griefing allowed on the server?

A: Yes, players are allowed to do whatever they want on the server, including griefing.

Q: Are there any specific rules to follow?

A: There are no strict rules on the server, but players are encouraged to have fun and not intentionally crash the server.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a server where you can let loose, be creative, and have a chaotic but fun experience, norule1c1s is the place to be. With a laid-back atmosphere and a community that embraces the madness, you’re sure to have a great time exploring and surviving in this unique Minecraft world.