MCParks <a href="">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: MCParks

Server Type: Minecraft Theme Park

Server Version: 1.7.10

Server Description: MCParks is a Minecraft server dedicated to building Theme Parks to scale in Minecraft. With 9 Theme Parks currently being worked on, players can connect to each server by typing /server followed by the server name. The server is home to a small but dedicated team of builders and guest relations members who are passionate about themeparks and providing a great experience for all guests.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

With 9 Theme Parks and a team of dedicated builders, MCParks offers a high level of creativity in its designs and attractions.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0

While the server focuses more on building and exploration, there are still challenges to be found in navigating the parks and completing quests.

Community: 4.0/5.0

The community at MCParks is welcoming and helpful, with guest relations members dedicated to assisting all players.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0

Overall, MCParks offers a unique and enjoyable experience for players looking to explore and build in a themed environment.


Q: How do I connect to a specific Theme Park server?

A: You can connect to each server by typing /server followed by the server name. For example, to connect to Walt Disney World, type /server WDW.

Q: Is the server compatible with Minecraft version 1.7.10?

A: Yes, MCParks is currently running on Minecraft version 1.7.10.

Q: How can I become a builder or guest relations member on MCParks?

A: You can apply to join the MCParks team by visiting their website and filling out an application form.

Final Thoughts

Overall, MCParks is a fantastic Minecraft server for players who enjoy building and exploring themed environments. With a dedicated team of builders and a welcoming community, MCParks offers a unique and enjoyable experience for all players.