MilkyMC Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to MilkyMC! We are a new Hermitcraft inspired server with a small but growing community. Our server features amazing builds, themed districts, and friendly players. We believe in a non-pay2win environment and do not accept donations. Our server has anti-grief and hack protection, as well as a custom whitelisting system for fast and accurate whitelisting. All builds are done in survival mode without mods or cheats. To apply for the whitelist, join our Discord at

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The creativity on MilkyMC is top-notch. The themed districts and amazing builds showcase the talent and imagination of the players.

Challenge: 4.0

The server offers a good level of challenge, especially in survival mode. Players will have to work hard to gather resources and build their creations.

Community: 5.0

The community on MilkyMC is one of the best aspects of the server. The players are friendly, helpful, and welcoming to new members.

Overall Experience: 4.8

Overall, MilkyMC provides an excellent Minecraft experience with its creative builds, challenging gameplay, and fantastic community. Highly recommended for all Minecraft players.


Q: How do I apply for the whitelist?

A: To apply for the whitelist, join our Discord at and follow the instructions provided.

Q: Are there any mods or cheats allowed on the server?

A: No, all builds are done in survival mode without any mods or cheats.

Q: Is the server pay-to-win?

A: No, we do not accept donations and believe in a non-pay2win environment.

Final Thoughts

Overall, MilkyMC is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a creative and challenging gameplay experience with a welcoming community. If you’re looking for a server with amazing builds and friendly players, be sure to check out MilkyMC!