Myrescape Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Myrescape is a 24/7 faction PvP server with no lag! The server allows griefing and in-faction griefing, but spawn camping is not allowed. The rules include no the use of hacks, respect for other players, and no excessive swearing or capitalization. The server is fairly new and constantly improving gameplay.

Provocative Review

Creativity: 4.5 – The server offers a unique faction PvP experience with the allowance of griefing, adding an extra layer of challenge and strategy.

Challenge: 4.0 – The gameplay is challenging, especially with the no-hacks rule and the need for common sense in decision-making.

Community: 3.5 – The server is still growing, but the community is friendly and welcoming, with room for improvement in player interaction.

Overall Experience: 4.0 – Myrescape provides an exciting and engaging gameplay experience for players looking for a faction PvP server with a twist.


Q: Can I use hacks on the server? A: No, the use of hacks is not allowed on Myrescape.

Q: Is griefing allowed on the server? A: Yes, griefing is allowed, including in-faction griefing.

Q: Are there any specific rules I should be aware of? A: Yes, make sure to respect other players, avoid excessive swearing or capitalization, and refrain from spawn camping.

Final Thoughts

Myrescape offers a unique faction PvP experience with a focus on strategy and challenge. The server’s rules promote fair gameplay and respect among players, creating an engaging environment for Minecraft enthusiasts. Join Myrescape today and embark on an exciting PvP adventure!