New Holland – The Amigos

Server Details

Server Name New Holland – The Amigos
Description This is a real copy of and our very first world, New Holland. This has elements of Dutch influences (no clogs)…… Come look for yourself if you would like to continue your patience and hard work you invested into both these worlds… New hardware has been installed recently, and all looks well. Come join us and play…. The counter is now 4 separated servers….
Server Features MCMMO, Survival, Vanilla
Server Website
Players Online 0/55

About the Server

Welcome to New Holland – The Amigos! This server is a unique blend of Dutch influences and classic Minecraft gameplay. With new hardware and a dedicated community, it’s the perfect place to continue your Minecraft journey.


  • Creativity: 4.5 – The Dutch influences add a fun twist to the gameplay.
  • Challenge: 3.5 – The server offers a good balance of difficulty.
  • Community: 5.0 – The Amigos community is welcoming and active.
  • Overall Experience: 4.0 – A solid server with plenty to offer.


Q: How do I join the server?

A: Simply connect to the server IP: in your Minecraft client.

Q: Are there any rules on the server?

A: Yes, please refer to the server website for a list of rules and guidelines.

Q: Can I invite my friends to play on the server?

A: Of course! The more, the merrier. Just make sure they follow the rules.

Final Thoughts

New Holland – The Amigos is a vibrant and welcoming Minecraft server that offers a unique experience for players of all ages. With a friendly community and exciting gameplay features, it’s a must-visit for any Minecraft enthusiast. Come join us and see what adventures await!