ObeyedNetwork // ObeyedFactions Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

ObeyedNetwork // ObeyedFactions is a Minecraft server that prides itself on being a top-notch, professional server. With features like Parkour, SMP, Factions, Wars, Raiding, and Griefing, it offers an exciting gameplay experience for players. The server has very few rules on raiding and griefing, making it a more challenging and competitive environment. Join us to become the next top faction!

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server offers a wide range of activities and gameplay options, allowing players to get creative with their strategies and builds.

Challenge: 4.0

The lack of strict rules on raiding and griefing adds an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay, making it more competitive and exciting.

Community: 4.8

The server has a great community of players who are friendly and welcoming. The Discord server is active and provides a platform for players to connect and interact.

Overall Experience: 4.6

Overall, ObeyedNetwork // ObeyedFactions offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that is both challenging and fun. The server’s emphasis on creativity and community makes it a standout choice for players looking for a dynamic gameplay experience.


Q: What are the server’s rules on raiding and griefing?

A: The server has very few rules on raiding and griefing, allowing players to engage in these activities freely.

Q: How can I join the server’s Discord server?

A: You can join the Discord server by clicking on the following link: Discord Invite

Q: Are there any rewards for joining the Discord server before the Grand Opening?

A: Yes, all members who join the Discord before the Grand Opening will start the game with 10K in-game currency. Additionally, 3 lucky pre-opening users will get a free donor rank that never expires.

Final Thoughts

ObeyedNetwork // ObeyedFactions is a server that offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience for players. With its emphasis on creativity, challenge, and community, it provides a dynamic gameplay environment that is sure to keep players engaged. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, this server has something for everyone. Join us today and become the next top faction!