OctoWorld Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

OctoWorld is a small friendly Minecraft server where players can build, create, and survive. The main survival world features MythicDrops and a server economy where players earn money for playtime and mob kills. Players can rank up after 6 hours of playtime to access creative worlds with NPCs, planes, guns, bombs, and deathmatch. The server does not accept donations. Visit octoworld.com for plugin info and more.

Provocative Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – OctoWorld offers a wide range of creative features, from MythicDrops to creative worlds with unique elements like planes and bombs.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – The server provides a moderate level of challenge, especially with the rank-up system and access to different worlds.

Community: 4.0/5.0 – The server boasts a friendly and active community, making it a welcoming environment for players of all ages.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – OctoWorld offers a unique and engaging experience for Minecraft players, with a good balance of creativity, challenge, and community.


Q: Can I donate to the server?

A: No, OctoWorld does not accept donations.

Q: How can I rank up on the server?

A: Players can rank up after 6 hours of playtime on the server.

Q: Are there any special features on OctoWorld?

A: Yes, the server offers creative worlds with NPCs, planes, guns, bombs, and deathmatch.

Final Thoughts

OctoWorld is a unique and engaging Minecraft server that offers a variety of creative features and a friendly community. With its rank-up system and access to creative worlds, players can enjoy a challenging and immersive experience. Overall, OctoWorld is a great choice for players looking for a fun and dynamic Minecraft server.