Pig Network Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Pig Network

Current Game Modes: Factions, Creative, Survival (being released on 4/17)

Upcoming Game Modes: Skywars, Capture the Flag, Domination, Party Games, DeathMatch

Server Version: 1.7.4 (updates fast!)

Joining Instructions: Use the ./server command to move between servers (e.g. /server creative, /server pigpvp, /server survival)

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

Challenge: 3.5

Community: 4.0

Overall Experience: 4.2

Review: Pig Network offers a wide range of game modes and frequent updates, keeping players engaged and excited. The community is friendly and active, making it easy to connect with other players. The creativity in the server’s design and gameplay sets it apart from other servers, providing a unique and enjoyable experience for all players.


Q: What is the server IP?

A: The server IP is PigPvP.com

Q: Is the server hosted in the US?

A: Yes, the server is hosted in the US.

Q: How can I join different game modes?

A: Use the ./server command followed by the game mode you want to join (e.g. /server creative, /server pigpvp, /server survival).

Final Thoughts

Overall, Pig Network is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a diverse range of game modes, a welcoming community, and constant updates to keep players engaged. Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore gamer, Pig Network has something for everyone. Join today and experience the fun!