PirateCraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

PirateCraft is a Pirate themed Minecraft survival server with a tight-knit community that has developed over the years into a wonderful family. The server has a permanent map that is never reset, allowing players to come back and continue where they left off. Staff members act like police, intervening only when asked, giving players the freedom to make their own way in the world of PirateCraft.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s pirate theme adds a unique and creative twist to the Minecraft survival experience.

Challenge: 4.0

Players can face challenges in building and protecting their structures, as well as navigating the dynamic world of PirateCraft.

Community: 5.0

The tight-knit community on PirateCraft creates a welcoming and supportive environment for players of all ages.

Overall Experience: 4.8

With its creative theme, challenging gameplay, and strong community, PirateCraft offers an overall exceptional gaming experience.


Q: How can I connect to the PirateCraft server?

A: You can connect to the server by using the IP address mc.piratemc.com.

Q: Are there any rules I need to follow on PirateCraft?

A: Yes, you can find the server rules at https://piratemc.com/information/rules/.

Q: Can I request claims and land to be removed and regenerated on the server?

A: Yes, players can request claims and land to be removed and regenerated by the staff team on PirateCraft.

Final Thoughts

Overall, PirateCraft offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience with its pirate theme, challenging gameplay, and supportive community. Whether you’re a solo player or looking to join an empire, PirateCraft has something for everyone. Join the adventure today!