Porkchop PvP Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Porkchop PvP

Server IP:

Description: PorkchopPvP is a new Factions based PvP server that offers a thrilling PvP experience with plugins like McMMO. The server staff are dedicated to managing players and handling issues, creating a relaxing yet intense PvP environment. They are also looking for moderators and content creators to help promote the server.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – The server offers a unique PvP experience with the combination of Factions and McMMO, creating a creative and engaging gameplay.

Challenge: 4.0/5.0 – The server provides a challenging PvP environment that keeps players on their toes and constantly improving their skills.

Community: 4.0/5.0 – The server has a growing community of players and staff who are dedicated to creating a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for all.

Overall Experience: 4.3/5.0 – Porkchop PvP offers a great overall experience for players looking for a competitive and engaging PvP server.


Q: How can I apply to be a moderator on the server?

A: You can apply through the server’s Enjin website, not through the server itself. Make sure to meet the requirements and submit your application there.

Q: Are there any opportunities for content creators on the server?

A: Yes, Porkchop PvP is looking for YouTube and Twitch members to help promote the server. You can submit an application on their website for these positions.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Porkchop PvP offers a unique and engaging PvP experience for players looking for a challenge. With a dedicated staff and growing community, the server provides a welcoming environment for all players. Whether you’re a PvP enthusiast or a content creator, Porkchop PvP has something for everyone.