Pure Vanilla – Armadillo Update

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to Pure Vanilla – Armadillo Update! This Minecraft server offers a fully vanilla game mode, providing players with the original Minecraft experience without any modifications or extra commands. With a supportive community and unique gameplay features, Pure Vanilla is the perfect place to enjoy Minecraft in its purest form.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s economy system and unique gameplay mechanics showcase a high level of creativity, allowing players to engage in various activities and build their own virtual economy.

Challenge: 4.0

Players can expect a fair amount of challenge on the server, with competitive gameplay and opportunities for collaboration with other players to overcome obstacles.

Community: 5.0

The server boasts a friendly and welcoming community, with players who are fun, chill, and always ready to help newcomers. Discord guild and events further enhance the sense of community on Pure Vanilla.

Overall Experience: 4.5

Overall, Pure Vanilla – Armadillo Update offers a fantastic Minecraft experience with a perfect blend of creativity, challenge, and community engagement. Players are sure to have a great time exploring the server and interacting with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts.


Q: Can I claim builds on the server?

A: No, build claiming is not allowed on the vanilla server. However, you can claim your builds on the economy server.

Q: Are there ranks or vote rewards on the server?

A: No, the server does not have ranks or vote rewards. It aims to provide a fair and balanced gameplay experience for all players.

Q: How often does the server world reset?

A: The server world is not reset frequently. The last reset was about 3 years ago, and decisions regarding world resets are made through a democratic process involving the player community.

Final Thoughts

Pure Vanilla – Armadillo Update is a top-notch Minecraft server that offers a truly vanilla experience for players looking to enjoy the game in its original form. With a supportive community, unique gameplay features, and a commitment to player satisfaction, this server is a must-visit for any Minecraft enthusiast.