RageRaid Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

RageRaid is an Op Pvp/Raiding Server that is always Up-To-Date and values player feedback. The server features unique gameplay elements based on player suggestions and offers a challenging and engaging experience for players.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

The server’s unique features and gameplay elements showcase a high level of creativity, keeping players engaged and entertained.

Challenge: 4.0/5.0

RageRaid offers a challenging gameplay experience, requiring strategic thinking and skill to succeed in PvP and raiding activities.

Community: 4.5/5.0

The server has a strong and active community, with players who are friendly and helpful, creating a welcoming environment for new and experienced players alike.

Overall Experience: 4.5/5.0

RageRaid provides a unique and engaging Minecraft experience, with a creative gameplay design, challenging activities, and a supportive community, making it a top choice for players looking for a dynamic server.


Question Answer
What is the server IP? play.rageraid.org
Is there a server website? www.RageRaid.org
How many players are usually online? 0/0

Final Thoughts

RageRaid is a top-tier Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. With its creative features, challenging activities, and supportive community, it stands out as a server that caters to players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to Minecraft, RageRaid has something to offer for everyone.