Cuboid Crunch RAID <a href="">Server</a>

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Cuboid Crunch RAID

Server IP:


Current Players: 0/0

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

This server offers a unique experience with its multiple server options and creative gameplay features. The ability to join different servers by interacting with in-game items adds a fun twist to the usual Minecraft experience.

Challenge: 3.5

The Raid server allows for challenging gameplay with its allowance of griefing, stealing, and PvP. Players looking for a more intense and competitive experience will find this server to be engaging.

Community: 4.0

The server boasts a friendly and active community that welcomes both new and experienced players. The inclusive atmosphere encourages players to invite friends and even enemies to join in on the fun.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Cuboid Crunch RAID offers a well-rounded Minecraft experience with its creative gameplay, challenging opportunities, and welcoming community. Players are sure to have a great time exploring all that this server has to offer.


Q: How do I join the Raid server?

A: Simply right-click the TNT item in your hand to access the Raid server.

Q: Are staff positions available on the server?

A: All staff positions are currently filled, but players are encouraged to join and have fun!

Q: Are there any rules on the server?

A: While swearing and caps are allowed, players are asked to keep them to a minimum. Griefing, stealing, and PvP are all allowed on the Raid server.

Final Thoughts

Cuboid Crunch RAID is a dynamic and exciting Minecraft server that offers a variety of gameplay options and a welcoming community. Whether you’re looking for creative building opportunities or intense PvP action, this server has something for everyone. Join today and start your adventure!