Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server name:

Server website: Visit Here

IP Address:

Players: 0/30

Version: 1.17.1

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server offers a safe building environment with two distinct areas for players to unleash their creativity. The Builder Build section allows trusted players more freedom, while the Guest Build section is closely monitored by moderators.

Challenge: 3.0

While the server focuses more on creativity and building, there are limited challenges for players looking for a more competitive gameplay experience.

Community: 4.0

The server has a welcoming community with moderators always available to assist players. The community is active and friendly, making it a great place to socialize and collaborate with others.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, offers a unique and safe environment for players to express their creativity and interact with a friendly community. The server may lack in challenging gameplay, but makes up for it with its strong community and building opportunities.


Q: Can I join the Builder Build section immediately?

A: Only trusted players are allowed in the Builder Build section. You can start in the Guest Build section and work your way up by gaining trust within the community.

Q: Are there any restrictions on building in the Guest Build section?

A: While there are some limitations in the Guest Build section, moderators are always monitoring to ensure a safe and enjoyable building experience for all players.

Final Thoughts is a fantastic server for players looking to unleash their creativity in a safe and monitored environment. With a welcoming community and opportunities for both casual and serious builders, this server offers a unique experience for Minecraft players of all ages.