JANGO PVP <a href="https://playminecraftearth.com/tag/experiencia-de-jogo/">Server</a>

Table of Contents

About the Server

JANGO PVP is a basic pvp Minecraft server where players can fight each other and purchase weapons from the shop. Players can earn money by simply waiting, even if they go AFK. The arena where players fight is set in an abandoned city with secret spots and sewers. There are also three secret villagers hidden around the world offering unique items for purchase. Good luck!

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server’s use of an abandoned city as the pvp arena and hidden villagers adds a creative twist to the gameplay.
Challenge 3.5 The level of challenge is moderate, with opportunities for players to improve their skills and weapons through gameplay.
Community 4.0 The server has a friendly and active community, with players helping each other out and engaging in friendly competition.
Overall Experience 4.0 JANGO PVP offers a fun and engaging experience for players looking for pvp action and unique gameplay elements.


How can I earn money on the server?

Players can earn money by simply waiting, even if they are AFK. They can also participate in battles and sell items to earn more money.

Are there any special items available for purchase?

Yes, there are three secret villagers hidden around the world offering unique items for purchase. Players can find them and buy special items.

Is the server active and populated?

Yes, the server has a decent population with active players engaging in pvp battles and exploring the world.

Final Thoughts

JANGO PVP is a fun and creative Minecraft server that offers players a unique pvp experience. With hidden villagers, secret spots, and an abandoned city arena, players can enjoy a challenging and engaging gameplay. The active community adds to the overall experience, making it a server worth checking out.